
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
On this episode Dustin sits down with Hero Way Strength & Conditioning's Gabe Azua and Krav Maga instructor Erik Mayfield and the three talk about hunting for organic meat, eating what you kill, the benefits of combining fitness with hunting, great hunting memories and much more.
Erik on FB: https://www.facebook.com/erik.mayfield.378
Gabe on FB: https://www.facebook.com/Hardlicks3G
Dustin on FB: https://www.facebook.com/dustin.warncke
Hero Way Stregth and Conditioning Gym: https://herowaysc.com/
Upcoming podcast show: http://herowaystregth360.podbean.com
Skull Hooker: http://skullhooker.com
Personal Hub: www.dustinsprojects.com
Read Texas Fish & Game Magazine: www.Fishgame.com
This Podcast is Sponsored by: Turnbull Restoration
GET FREE SHIPPING ON Model 1886 rifles! Just mention Texas Fish & Game's The Best of the Outdoors Podcast when you order!

Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
On this episode, host Dustin Warncke rides solo, recording live from the ICAST fishing show last month. He talks about fishing trends, new products, innovative companies and other fun fishing topics related to the fishing industry and what happened at ICAST this year. Thank you as always for watching, reading and listening. Please tell a friend about the show and give us a 5-star rating on iTunes!
Mentioned in this Show:
Havalon Knives: https://www.havalon.com/
Frio Coolers and Outdoor Products: https://frioicechests.com/
BOTE Paddle Boards/Inflatable SUPs: https://www.boteboard.com
Mustad Fishing: https://mustad-fishing.com/
Go Fish Cam: https://gofishcam.com/
Arctic Ice Cooler Packs: https://arctic-ice.com/
Line Cutterz: https://www.linecutterz.com/
Outdoor Edge Knives/Tools: https://www.outdooredge.com/
Nomad Design Tackle: https://www.nomaddesigntackle.com/
Pop Hat: https://thepophat.com/
JL Marine/Power-Pole: https://www.power-pole.com/
Yo-Zuri: http://yo-zuri.com/
Wiley-X Sunglasses: https://wileyx.com/
Okuma Fishing, Soft Steel: www.okumafishingusa.com
Fish Lab: www.fishlabtackle.com
Reeler's Sheild Natural Sunscreen: https://reelers-shield.com/
Connect with Dustin!
Facebook: https://facebook.com/dustin.warncke
Articles/Blogs from FishGame.com: https://fishgame.com/tag/dustin-warncke/
Personal Hub: www.dustinsprojects.com

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
On this episode, Dustin sits down with Dr. Mike Wilson from Wilson Wildlife, based in the Northeast Texas area. We talk about what goes into growing high quality whitetail deer, improving the overall health of a deer herd, native and exotic game hunting, why hunters should get along with each other, and other fun topics.
As president and owner of Wilson Wildlife, Dr. Mike runs a whitetail deer farm and online retail gear store carrying feeders, BBQ grills, tactical gear, and other hunting accessories. As a board certified medical doctor. Dr. Wilson also serves a role as an emergency room physician at a local Tyler hospital.
Online Store and Website
Contact Dr. Mike Wilson:
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/wilson.wildlife/
WW Deer at Gear Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2728851947130668/
(903) 752-4312

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Live from the ICAST Fishing Show 2019 in Orlando, FL with Cal, Chester and Dustin
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
On this episode, Cal Gonzales (TF&G Saltwater Editor), Chester Moore (TF&G Chief Editor) and host Dustin Warncke re-unite in Orlando, Florida at the annual ICAST fishing trade show. The trio shares fun stories, interesting products and enriching conversations about freshwater, saltwater and brackish water fishing adventures. This is the second time the three editors have been together on Facebook Live stream and the podcast simultaneously at this show.
Please be sure to subscribe to our Texas Fish & Game podcast on your favorite podcast app, keyword search "The Best of the Outdoors". Please also send your questions to dwarncke@fishgame.com or contact Chester or Cal through www.FishGame.com. If you like what you hear, please give us a 5-star rating on iTunes as it will help more people find this show! Thanks as always for listening to our content!

Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Fishing, Hunting, Archery and Other Outdoor Fun with Guest Jeff Stewart
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
Thursday Jul 04, 2019
On this episode, Dustin sits down with author and TF&G contributor Jeff Stewart and they venture through a number of topics on fishing, hunting, archery, bowfishing, wild hogs and more.
Jeff and Dustin both share the best parts of the Texas Outdoor Nation and beyond and the lifestyle and common threads that connect us to the great outdoors.
Connect with Jeff Stewart:
Products Reviewed by Dustin
Betionol SD Card Reader for Trail Camera/SLR Camera With 32GB SD Card
BOG DeathGrip
BOG Fieldpod MAX
Texas Jack's Famous Venison Recipe Book: Bringing Wild Game to the Kitchen (Paperback)
TF&G Website/Blog

Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Hog Wild! Hunting Wild Pigs and the Feral Hog Epidemic with Guest Mike Wenzel
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
On this episode, Dustin sits down in studio with Mike Wenzel, host of the Wild Hog Podcast. Dustin and Mike talk about hunting wild hogs, wild hog control tactics, the issues surrounding wild hogs in the world and how we can all do our part to help solve this epidemic of the out-of-control wild hog problem in Texas and beyond.
Connect with Mike Wenzel
Wild Hog Resources
HOGS FOR A CAUSE: https://www.hogsforacause.org/
Texas Hog Hunters Association: https://texashha.com/
THHA FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1632784293617166/
New TF&G Frio Collaboration Store: https://texas-fish-game.frioicechests.com
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Events
June 22nd: https://www.backcountryhunters.org/houston_full_draw_film_tour
Texas Airgun Show, June 22nd & 23rd

Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Carp, Gar and Buffalo! Oh My! | Summer Bowfishing with Guest Marty McIntyre
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
On this episode, Dustin Warncke sits down with Marty McIntyre from GARQUEST Bowfishing Adventures. Dustin and Marty talk about some of the new bowfishing rules, grass carp taking over bass habitat on Texas lakes, what happened to all the tilapia spots and the social and environmental benefits of bowfishing.
This is a fun podcast full of a lot of helpful information.
Connect with Marty
Website: http://garquest.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GarQuest-Bowfishing-268511551378/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Garquest1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/garquest1
GARQUEST VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL39D761F63257D4F2
New TF&G Frio Collaboration Store: https://texas-fish-game.frioicechests.com
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Events
June 22nd: https://www.backcountryhunters.org/houston_full_draw_film_tour
Texas Airgun Show, June 22nd & 23rd

Thursday May 23, 2019
Harvesting, Cleaning and Cooking Wild Game with Guest Jeremy Beaston
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
On this episode, Dustin sits down with Jeremy Beaston from the Cast, Blast, Grill, Chill podcast to talk about eating the harvests from your wild game pursuits including field care, cleaning, prepping and cooking wild game meat of winged and four-legged critters!
Dustin and Jeremy talk about fun food ideas and why proper preparation of your game meats are important considerations for yourself and those in your circle of influence for the enjoyment of the great outdoors.
Connect with Jeremy
New TF&G Frio Collaboration Store: https://texas-fish-game.frioicechests.com
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Events
May 25th: https://www.backcountryhunters.org/san_antonio_full_draw_film_tour_open_house
June 22nd: https://www.backcountryhunters.org/houston_full_draw_film_tour
Texas Airgun Show, June 22nd & 23rd
Dustin's Spice Pick: https://www.therustgameplace.com/product/rust-dust-rust-meat-markets-seasoning
Recommended Books from Dustin and Jeremy
Project Smoke
by Steven Raichlen
The MeatEater Fish and Game Cookbook: Recipes and Techniques for Every Hunter and Angler
by Steven Rinella
Buck, Buck, Moose: Recipes and Techniques for Cooking Deer, Elk, Moose, Antelope and Other Antlered Things
by Hank Shaw
Duck, Duck, Goose: The Ultimate Guide to Cooking Waterfowl, Both Farmed and Wild
by Hank Shaw
Pheasant, Quail, Cottontail: Upland Birds and Small Game from Field to Feast
by Hank Shaw
America's Best Barbecue: Recipes and Techniques for Prize-Winning Ribs, Wings, Brisket, and More Hardcover
by Arthur Aguirre

Thursday May 09, 2019
Outside the Box Saltwater Fishing Strategies with Guest Cal Gonzales
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
On this episode, Dustin Warncke connects with TF&G Saltwater editor Cal Gonzales on the South Texas coast to discuss some saltwater tactics that are out of the box methods to catching speckled trout, redfish, flounder and more. Some of these tactics even borrow some lures and rigs from freshwater fishing! Crazy stuff! This is a fun show with lots of entertaining stories and tips.
Connect with Cal!

Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Tactical Shooting, Self-Defense and Firearms Fun with Guest Dustin Ellermann
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
On this episode you get TWO DUSTIN's for the price of one! Dustin Ellermann joins Dustin Warncke again for an interview on getting started in tactical training and self-defense, shooting fun, marksman camp and so much more!
Dustin Ellermann was the winner of the History Channel's hit TV show TOP SHOT Season 3 and Ellermann has a huge YouTube and social media following. Dustin also serves as a columnist and contributing editor for Texas Fish & Game Magazine and contributor to the FishGame.com blog and weekly eNewseltters. Dustin E. and Dustin W. talk about best practices for shooting success and how proper training can save one's life when it matters the most in a self-defense situation.
Connect with the Two Dustins:
Ellermann - Instagram and Twitter Handle @TopShotDustin
Warncke - Instagram and Twitter Handle @DustinsProjects
Mentioned in Show:
Mantis Dry Fire and Live Fire Training System: https://mantisx.com
Marksman Camp Information and Gear: www.marksmancamp.com
This Show Sponsored by:
Accusharp Knife Sharpeners and Outdoor Products
Progressive Insurance